Exams, Cleaning, X-Rays, & Sealants
Orthopaedic Trauma Unit
The hospital has a state of the art orthopaedic trauma unit catering to a huge population of the zone of Gujarat, adjoining states and also complex trauma are referred from remote frontiers of India The trauma team is headed by Dr. K S Maheshwari, Consultants: Dr. _____________________ and two Associate trauma consultants : Dr_______________________P, 11 registrars, 6 fellows and 10 post graduate students, who provide round-the-clock trauma and emergency cover.
Dedicated Operation Theatres
The unit has 2 dedicated operation theatres for trauma surgeries. Additionally 3 opertation theaters are available for emergency surgeries and open injury management. The 24 x 7 availability of trauma anaesthetist, plastic surgery consultant and orthopaedic consultant enables the unit to provide resuscitation and appropriate management for all major injuries at any time of the day. The consultant level input right at the arrival of the patient makes a huge difference in decision making and ensures the right management for these complex injuries. Many lives are saved during the “golden hour” after the accident by expert resuscitation and early damage control surgical care.
Academic Trauma Meetings
Academic trauma meetings are conducted three times a week and all trauma cases operated are discussed in an open forum to provide the best possible care for patients. For complex fractures, pre-operative treatment plan is formulated during trauma meetings.
Trauma Surgery Setting High Standards
- Polytrauma team to enable optimal care of critically injured patients with systemic injuries and multiple fractures.
- State-of-the-art Trauma Intensive Care Unit.
- Round the clock trauma and emergency services.
- Dedicated and experienced team of trauma surgeons.
- On arrival anaesthesia (”nerve blocks”) to provide immediate pain relief.
- Thorough preoperative planning and a definitive treatment plan for all complex fractures.
- In-house availability of supportive services like Radiology, Neurosurgery, Blood bank & Bone bank.