(0288) 255 6655
+91 75740 29292

Save My Knee

Your natural knee can be saved with HTO(High Tibial Osteotomy).

Why HTO?

Your knees are God-gifted. Why not preserve it! And live a usual life by performing knee preservation surgery known as HTO(High Tibial Osteotomy) and avoiding Total Knee Replacement(TKR).

Video Testimonials

Before HTO

After HTO


X-Ray Before HTO

X-Ray After HTO


  • Knee Joints can be saved by Knee Preservation Surgery.
  • Surgery is done without violating Knee Joint.
  • It enhance life of natural knee significantly.
  • After surgery it is possible to squat and sit crossed legged.
  • Surgery cost is at a fraction of Knee Replacement.
  • It is also covered under Insurance.